Where have I got to?
It’s been a long time since I did anything new here – there is a reason.
Last year I started on a degree course – BSc Computer Science – a brave choice perhaps, but I have a number of years experience working in IT, so it’s not all new! Writing about things in an academic manner is new to me though, so it’s not all straight forward.
As I prepare to start my second year (apparently this where the hard work really starts), I’m looking back at what I covered in year 1:
Architecture and Operating Systems – we learnt about binary and hexadecimal, and truth tables. There was a test. Then we designed a gaming PC on a limited budget.
Computing and Society – ethics, laws, usage, etc. An exam that had to be done in handwriting from memory – we are computer students, when did I last write a sentence? An essay on mandatory and voluntary legislation, much of which came from my previous experience
Principals of Programming – Python, Java, C#, Visual Studio – an app for kids to play on to improve their reading and spelling and to surf the web. Fun with interfaces for KS1 level. A test was also involved.
Building for the Web – HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MYSQL, AJAX. Design methods. Resulting in a website that lets you register as a user and submit items for sale. No functionality for selling though. Maybe next time…
Computational Thinking – Conjunction, Disjunction, Truth, Negation, Implication, Antecedent, Consequent, Tautologies, Contradiction. I just hope I can remember what it all means! Glad I made copious notes. There was a test. Plus pseudo code. And we got to play with lego robots.
Developing Quality Software and Systems – Working in groups. Many powerpoint presentations were made (including one via skype to Greece). An app was thought of (with help from a client) that we then analysed and produced design documentation. If we had more time we might have developed something but we found that building a multi platform app was just a bit too much in the given time. Never over-estimate capabilities and available time…
Well, I passed my year – in fact I passed quite well. Hopefully the next 2 years will fly by. Maybe there will be something new on this website before then…