Breeches vs Trousers – a debate from 1909
A “Full Illustrated Report of the debate on The Abolition of Trousers Bill” from a 1909 edition of The Tailor and Cutter
“News of the fact that the debate which was originally intended for the interest and instruction of our students in session was also open to the trade, brought a large muster of interested parties from all quarters to the “Tailor and Cutter” Office, on Friday evening, February 27th. Representatives were present from the West-End and the City, the Provinces and the Colonies, so that the company was a thoroughly representative one, and the hall was consequently crowded.”
Mr Vincent presented a Bill to the assembled Gerrard Street Parliament for the abolishment of Trousers. His colleague Mr Boroughs spoke in favour of trousers.
Read the whole article to find out how the assembled tailors voted….
(I apologise for the poor quality pictures in this page. If anyone can get me better copies from the original that would be great!)